The viruses are amazing… They go into a cell… It's barely a life form on its own. But when it goes into a cell, it completely takes over the machinery and turns it to its own uses. And it's a hostile takeover. «Your cell, under new management»… It would be like going to a Coke factory and having them make Pepsi.
And if you think about this kind of stuff too hard, here's the kind of joke you come up with.
A virus walks into a bar. The bartender says: «We don't serve viruses in this bar». The virus replaces the bartender and says: «Now we do».
An infectious disease walks into a bar. The bartender says: «We don't serve infectious diseases in this bar». The infectious disease says: «Well, you are not a very good host».
A few bacteria walk into a bar. The bartender says: «We don't serve bacteria in this bar». The bacteria say: «But we work here, we're staff!»
A room-temperature superconductor walks into a bar. The bartender says: «We don't serve any superconductors in this bar». The room-temperature superconductor leaves without putting up any resistance.
An infrared photon walks into a bar and says: «Is it hot in here, or is it just me?»
A neutrino walks into a bar. The bartender says: «We don't serve neutrinos in this bar». The neutrino says: «Hey, I was just passing through».